Saturday, January 13, 2007

Mr. Saturday Night

so im not outside tonight.. bit warm for me anyway..

had meant to do a drawing.. havent.. but meant to, seeing as i dont draw anymore, and i should, least something each day. Thats why i started this blog.. as some sort of reason to kick myself into doing what i love the most, but do the least.

Instead, i start talking to some people, and the steady decline of my mental capabilities, which was fun for awhile. The conclusion (self-proclaimed) was that im pretty dumb, but not enough to be unaware of it, and thus enjoy my stupidity. Nope, im intelligent enough to understand just how much i dont know. Although i can also be fairly confident that you dont you know some of the things i do.

Oh and then i thought about hitting a chat room. You know, an attempt to communicate with some interesting people and discuss something of value. Yeah, im a little slow.. took a couple of minutes of looking at the list of results before i realised the chances of that on an internet chatroom. The last time i was in a chat room (a long long time ago) it was 80% "a/s/l?", 18% "hey baby..." from/to ppl that'll never meet or see each others real image and 2% absue. But, if the abusing got going it would become 80% of the chat.. but only when it was helped along, which was where we came in. Kids fun, argueing (well, mostly swearing back then) at people we didnt know. I still hold today that argueing can indeed be fun.. sounds wierd, but it works in my head.

In summary, no pic for you! Instead you got a dumb rant. And chatrooms are bad, unless you want to meet your soulmate, or so they promise.


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