Friday, August 25, 2006

My head hurts.

Not always mind.

Sometimes it just aches.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

My Winter Coat

Spring is pretty much here, and its time to sheer the sheep and prepare for the warmer months. In my mind though, its autumn not spring, and im climbong on play equipment as the the dappled rays break through golden leaves. But i will have to come back to reality soon, and sheer my own mighty locks before the summers heat takes hold. I will miss my beard i think, it has served me well this winter. And there is nothing like a beard it seems to bring familiarity, mistaken as it may well be. Still being mistaken for John Lennon, or Jesus, is as good a conversation starter as "Hey, whats with the beard?" has been.

Yes it will be missed.

What will i do in the coming months, my social skills as reclined as they have become. Spring indeed is a time for new things though, and that will be just one of them. Stepping into spring should really be done early in the year though rather than now, so much more poetic, and, well, right to step into the new year and be greeted with the beauty and emburgeoning warm of spring, out of the cold harsh winter months.

Although, just between you and me, winter is perhaps my favourite time of year. Or maybe autumn.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Monday, August 14, 2006

Word of the day - Fatuous

fatuous \FACH-oo-uhs\, adjective:
1. Inanely foolish and unintelligent; stupid.
2. Illusory; delusive.

A grand view indeed

You tend to lose your sense of time up here, but boy is the view nice. Limitless potential. And as my teachers always said, sometimes you need to take a step back and take a look at things. Being in the thick of things, living busily and earnestly, sometimes you lose tracks of more than just time. Its good to take that step back and watch the eddies swirl, the great pattern and mystery that is life unfold. Trick is to hold onto something when you do, to stop you floating away. Try it sometime, life is a grand view indeed.

Friday, August 11, 2006


So, its friday night, and im heading outside for like the first time all week. Who wouldnt be excited by that? Throw in the occasion, a good friends birthday, and the fact im going out comfortable as can be, even if i do look a bit like a tramp. Now, to top it all off, ive got a fine bottle of whiskey to gargle down as fun and interaction and general merriment take place. I hope you've got as fine plans for your evening. Night chaps!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Smurf yea!

Wow, theres nothing like the undead hordes to set you in a melancholy state of mind. The living dead. What does it even mean to be living but dead. Ah, im glad you asked...

Of course zombies themselves are awesome, and bring to mind excitable conversation, a multitude of jokes, plots and musings. Heck, who hasnt once thought about the day the zombie horde comes? Uncool people thats who. Dead people. The kind of people who will get bitten first and join the shambling drones, lusting for nothing more than a lingering instinct. I'm sorry if you in fact are one of these people, but its just a fact. But fear not, for there are guys like me out there, pumping shell after shell into the zombies, putting foolhardy folks like you out of damnation.

Wow, theres nothing like the undead hordes to get you out of a melancholy state of mind. Because really, hey, if you think the chips are down, heck, there could be zombies!

Oh, theres no picture for today. I wasted it completely. Also my dear friend Andi put up a most excellent zombie picture like an hour ago. Check it at the Hungry Blog, here.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The World's Smallest Violin

Todays image is at the bequest of Ellie. I was sorry to read that shes losing her radio show at the end of the year, Cassettes & Chocolate Milk. Still thats months away, so if you're into indie, check out her show every monday. Well enough shameless promotion, I might take the concept of the violonist a little further and create a full blown painting. Sort of why I threw him against the photo, I thought he needed a backgound rather than just floating about. I'm thinking that I might put him on a window ledge serenading a young woman, although serenading is hardly the context of the phrase. We shall see.

Now i've been struck by a sideways deja'vu.. so im gonna go hide from it, least it stike again.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tuesday - Cold Feet

Ah, cold feet tuesday, not wednesday as, for some obscure reason, my brain kept telling me today. Some few people might actually understand about the feet too, although i would be greatly surprised to find them reading this. Still at least now I can put any doubts aside and know in all certainly that it is indeed tuesday.

I started watching a new show today. Sadly, due i suppose to my brains indecision on the particulars of the day, i missed Rolf Harris' new show. The new show i did see is called Bones and stars David Boreanaz (Angel). Great to see him in a new show, playing a fairly similar character, although this time hes a FBI agent rather than a vampire. Rest of the characters are quite interesting too. But, im not a tv critic, so wont go into particulars, brought it up mostly because a couple of the characters remind me of people i know. Made me wonder about 'types' of people, and im not talking about personalities, but more physical charactistics. Or maybe throw in personalities too, hard to know when actors are the ones igniting your thoughts..

Anyway... the other things thats been on my mind has been over this. A mere scrap of paper with a name on it. I found it incongruously lying on my carpet the other day, and i have no idea where it came from, or who Emlyn is. Hardly a common name either, im presuming it to be a persons name, although could refer to anything. Of course, logical thought would just lead me to ask the other members of my household if its theirs, but that would destroy the mystery. And its a nice little mystery, one from which i have drawn great pleasure in mulling over the many possibilities. Possibilities i could go on about for some time here, but i've already squandered my day watchign tv and pondering, and left very little time to draw. And it is drawing i must do.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Been a few days since last posted. But to make up for it tonight you can enjoy a veritable feast of recent sketches. The one above was of me last time i took the train. It can be hard to reference
yourself, you can use reflections i guess, although you can never be 100% sure that it is you looking back.

Hmmm. When you find yourself rewriting a sentence several times, you know its time for a new paragraph, no matter how short the last was. Where was i? Train journeys. The ride home this evening was quite nice. It is rare these days to see a kind act performed by another, especially on a quiet sunday evening in melbourne, aboard and almost empty carriage. So its not surprising a smile broke across my lips and my heart lightened somewhat.It's amazing how one persons small act can affect so many others too, and how even a small thing is uncommon in today's indifferent world.

Although i think perhaps the night air also does something good for me. Strolling along the dim lamp lit streets, amongst the trees dappled by moonlight, the stars just struggling to been seen out in the suburbs. I like the quiet of the night too, how you have room for thoughts, room in which ideas pour forth to fill the void.

End rant.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

lol, only took 3 days before blogger let me upload new image.